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Digital Art and Retouching

Professional and realistic photo editing of all kind of photography.


For photographers For businesses For models, makeup artists, designers For private use

Retouch for photographers


Don't have time to process your photos? Would you rather take care of the next session? Put the photos in the hands of a professional and enjoy the results of the highest quality.

The offer includes artistic processing of photos from skin cleaning and color correction through shading and liquifying to photo manipulations.

Retouch for businesses


From photo processing of products and buildings to retouching photos from corporate events.

On offer:

  • Preparing photos of products, buildings, premises for listing at auctions
  • Cropping, scaling
  • Cutting objects from the background (also colored) without the effect of ragged edges
  • Pasting objects to the background
  • Removal of stains, clogging, scratches, creases
  • Combining photos. E.g., pasting lawns in front of recently built buildings.
  • Adding subtitles, "watermarks"

Retouch for models, makeup artists, designer


After the session you are not completely satisfied with the received photos. On the creation you have been designing all day and night you can see stains, creases? Make-up made with such difficulty just does not look so good on the picture? Or maybe you have taken a picture with your regular camera and now they do not look as attractive as they should. Do not panick, it all can be fixed.

The offer includes retouching from discreet and realistic corrections to artistic photomanipulations.

Retouch for private use


Your photos from holidays, weddings or other events do not look like on bloggers' profiles? The flash "robbed" you from your tan or maybe the camera has shown wrinkles that are not there at all.

Instead of throwing photos into the bin, give them to processing and enjoy effects of best quality.

By using my services you are guaranteed that your photos will never be published by me online, the entire processing process will be carried out with respect for your privacy and all copies will be deleted immediately after the service.

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Hover over photo to see before retouching

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3 General provisions
Publication in retoucher portfolio
I am the author or I have the author's permission for photo editing
Photos that I am sending do not violated the law nor the rights of people involved in creation of said photos including but not limited to the rights of depicted individuals.